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How To File A Tax Extension In Florida

File Your Taxes Later with an Extension

Need More Time?

Apply for an Automatic Extension Today

Tax season is upon us, and many Americans find themselves scrambling to prepare their federal income tax returns. But don't panic if you need more time – the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers an automatic extension that allows you to file your taxes up to six months late.

To apply for an extension, simply file Form 4868 with the IRS by the original tax deadline (typically April 15th). This form can be filed electronically or by mail, and it does not require you to provide any explanation for why you need the extension.

Once you have filed for an extension, you will have until October 15th to file your tax return. However, it's important to note that an extension only gives you more time to file your return, not to pay your taxes. If you owe taxes, you will still need to make estimated payments by the original deadline to avoid penalties.

If you're not sure whether you need an extension, it's always best to file for one just in case. There is no penalty for filing for an extension, and it's better to have extra time than to file late and face potential penalties.
